Explore my portfolio

Vedic Mathematics Academy


About Project

  • Ved Saraswati: focuses to improve the maths skills of the learners in a wide area of problems, ensuring both speed and accuracy, strictly based on rational and logical reasoning. It leads to keep the mind lively and alert to build extraordinary numerical and analytical capability.
  • Main users: Parents, children and individuals looking to learn Vedic Mathematics

My Role

  • Website designer and developer: Responsible for designing and developing a platform for a startup of  Vedic Mathematics Academy
  • Collaboration: Business owner


  • Develop an intuitive platform enabling users to easily browse and access information on available Vedic Math courses.
  • Establish a compelling brand presence through the introduction of fresh and distinctive colors that align with the brand identity.
  • Implement user-friendly features such as booking functionalities and contact forms to enhance engagement and facilitate seamless communication.

Design Process

User Research

  • Explored Ved Saraswati’s mission to enhance computational skills based on rational and logical reasoning.
  • Identified target audiences as parents and individuals seeking to learn Vedic maths for improved numerical and analytical capabilities.
  • Researched similar businesses to understand their advertising strategies and gather requirements.
  • Conducted extensive user research to understand the target audience’s preferences, needs, and expectations for online learning platforms.
  • Explored existing educational websites to identify successful design patterns and functionalities in the context of online courses.
  • Engaged with potential learners to gather insights on their digital habits and preferences for course booking and form submissions.


  • Focused on creating a distinct colour scheme and brand for Ved Saraswati.
  • Created personas for the target audience, emphasizing parents and children interested in Vedic maths courses.
  • Collaborated with Ved Saraswati stakeholders to define the brand identity, emphasising the academy’s focus on improving computational skills through logical reasoning.
  • Brainstormed creative ideas to visually represent the essence of Vedic Maths, ensuring the design reflects the academy’s commitment to speed, accuracy, and analytical capability.
  • Created a brand identity that balances a modern, user-friendly aesthetic with elements that evoke the traditional roots of Vedic Maths.

Prototyping and Testing

  • Explored various colour combinations to establish a strong brand presence for Ved Saraswati.
  • Developed a prototype website, incorporating the identified colour scheme and brand elements.
    Iterated on the design based on feedback received during testing.
  • Developed wireframes and prototypes to visualise the website structure, emphasising an intuitive and seamless user journey for course booking and form submissions.
  • Implemented a clear and organised course catalog, allowing users to easily explore and book onto available courses.
  • Designed user-friendly booking forms, ensuring a straightforward process for learners to sign up for classes and courses.
  • Conducted usability testing with potential learners to validate the design’s effectiveness in facilitating easy navigation, course booking, and form submissions.
  • Gathered feedback on the website’s visual appeal, user interface, and overall user experience to refine and enhance the design.
  • Ensured the website’s compatibility with various devices and browsers, optimising accessibility for a diverse user base.


  • Engaged in multiple iterations to align the website content with the business owner’s evolving vision.
  • Implemented iterative improvements based on user feedback, refining the website’s design and functionality to better meet the needs and preferences of learners.
  • Worked closely with the Ved Saraswati team to incorporate any necessary adjustments to the brand identity and messaging.
  • Ensured the website remained adaptable to the evolving landscape of online education and learner expectations.



Final Designs

  • Successfully created a website with a distinct colour scheme and brand identity for Ved Saraswati.
  • Tailored the design to cater to parents and individuals interested in Vedic maths courses.
  • Successfully translated ideation into a visually appealing website design that aligns with Ved Saraswati’s brand identity and conveys its commitment to Vedic Maths principles.
  • Implemented an organised and user-friendly course catalogue, enhancing the learner’s experience when exploring and booking courses.
  • Designed intuitive and straightforward booking forms, streamlining the process for learners to enrol in classes and courses.

Impact and Results

  • Enhanced Ved Saraswati’s digital presence, offering a platform for learners to improve computational skills.
  • Attracted parents and individuals seeking Vedic maths courses through effective design and communication.
  • Significantly improved Ved Saraswati’s digital presence, resulting in increased visibility and accessibility to potential learners.
  • Enabled seamless online course bookings, contributing to a growth in enrolment and making education more accessible to a broader audience.
  • Monitored website analytics to track key performance indicators, such as user engagement, course bookings, and form submissions.

Challenges and Learnings

  • Faced challenges during the early stages of the website development due to unclear content expectations from the business owner.
  • Learned the necessity of establishing clear expectations to avoid inefficiencies and ensure timely project completion.
  • Addressed challenges related to balancing the traditional roots of Vedic Maths with a modern, user-friendly design, ensuring broad appeal.
  • Overcame technical challenges in implementing secure and efficient booking forms, providing a seamless experience for users.
  • Learned the importance of clear communication with stakeholders to accurately represent the brand identity and meet the unique needs of the academy.
  • Implemented iterative improvements based on user feedback, refining the website’s design and functionality to enhance the overall user experience.
  • Demonstrated adaptability by addressing unexpected challenges and making necessary adjustments to align with evolving online education trends.
  • Collaborated with the Ved Saraswati team to ensure the website remained updated with the latest courses and offerings.
  • Fostered user engagement through feedback channels, encouraging learners to share their thoughts on the website’s design, usability, and course offerings as well as testimonials for existing courses.
  • Utilised user feedback to make informed decisions on improvements, ensuring the website remains a valuable resource for learners.