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Key Changes Music Therapy


About Project

  • Key Changes Music Therapy: is an charity that provides music-based therapy to enhance well-being and improve quality of life.
  • Main users: Families, parents and individuals in need of music therapy

My Role

  • Website Designer, Development and Creation Intern: The aim was to redesign and develop a website for key changes music therapy to provide a modern, engaging platform allowing users to explore what the charity do and who they are and donate.
  • Collaboration: Team of 20 charity stakeholders


  • Inaccessible colours
  • Lack of consistency
  • Text colour inconsistencies
  • Font inconsistency
  • Lack of visual cohesion and brand consistency
  • Poorly structured navigation system
  • Difficulty finding information
  • Lack of infographics and images

Design Process

User Research

  • Conducted comprehensive research, analysing the existing website, competitors, and potential enhancements.
  • Utilised user journey mapping to visualise and understand user interactions and touch-points on the website.


  • Collaborated with a marketing intern to curate compelling and concise content.
  • Explored creative ideas for redesign, focusing on enhancing visual elements, readability, and overall user experience.

Prototyping and Testing

  • Created wireframes to establish the new website’s structure and layout.
  • Developed high-fidelity prototypes, incorporating the new color scheme and typography for stakeholder feedback.
  • Ensured increased readability and improved users’ visual experience through testing and refinement.


  • Implemented design iterations based on feedback, refining visual elements and addressing usability concerns.
    Maximised the website’s capabilities to deliver both a visually appealing and functional platform.


Final Designs

  • Launched the redesigned Key Changes Music Therapy website with a visually cohesive and appealing design.
  • Established consistency in typography and visual elements to elevate the overall representation of the brand.
  • Overcame image privacy issues by incorporating shapes and iconography to effectively convey the concept of music therapy.
  • Improved the website’s aesthetic appeal and messaging, ensuring a more engaging user experience.

Impact and Results

  • Achieved a substantial enhancement in website accessibility by ensuring consistent and accessible colors, text, and fonts.
  • Implemented a well-designed navigation system, significantly improving the overall user experience.
  • The result was a notable increase in user engagement, demonstrating the positive impact of the design enhancements.

Challenges and Learnings

  • Successfully addressed challenges related to colour accessibility and inconsistency in design elements.
  • Navigated the constraints of the Wix platform, adapting design strategies to align with its limitations.
  • Managed feedback from 20 stakeholders, incorporating diverse perspectives and ensuring a cohesive final design.
  • Collaborated with a marketing intern to align website information with social media, overcoming the intricacies of content synchronisation.
  • Gained insights into the importance of collaborative efforts in creating a unified online presence for the organisation.
  • Worked with the constraints of the Wix platform, developing adaptability in design solutions.
  • Contributed to the significant growth of Key Changes by expanding its digital reach, solidifying impact, and enhancing donation gateways through the redesigned website.